Indunil Sikurajapathi
University of the West of England, Bristol

I am a Lecturer in Mathematics at UWE, Bristol. I am currently undertaking doctoral research work on mathematical education and computing, focusing on the use of and the development of in-house algorithmic e-assessment system (Dewis) at University of the West of England. In particular, the research is focused on developing a method to detect Common Students Errors (CSEs) in Engineering Mathematics and to provide tailored feedback in the Dewis e-assessment system. More about the CSE Project can be found at This project is supervised by Dr Karen Henderson and Dr Rhys Gwynllyw.
Indunil is a contributor to these questions:
- Q1: What common errors do students make when answering online assessment questions?
- Q3: What are the approaches to detecting and feeding back on students’ errors?
- Q17: What are students' views on e-assessment, and what are their expectations from automated feedback?
- Q27: How can formative e-assessments improve students’ performance in later assessments?