Mathematical skills > Problem solving

Question 47
How can we assess open-ended tasks using e-assessment?

What motivates this question?

This question is directed towards the computer marking of assessment, rather than the computer mediated submission of an assessment for human marking.

Writing mathematics on a piece of paper, a student has a great deal of freedom in how they proceed. On an e-assessment system, however, this production of mathematics is constrained either by the linear format of typed mathematics, or by the sequencing of questions. Giving students freedom similar to writing on a piece of paper would make marking difficult, although Harjula (2017) talks about a “free-path question type” which allows the student the freedom of writing on a piece of paper. Beyond simply mathematics, there are areas where interpretation of results, comment on significance, critical thinking, construction of a diagram, etc. might be desirable in assessment. Can e-assessment help with these?

What might an answer look like?

The answer might involve a review of paper-based assessments, and investigations as to how best these could be replicated within a computer assessment system. It should also involve trials of the questions with students and an analysis of their feedback on their experience.


Harjula, M. (2017). STACK with state. MSOR Connections, 15(2), 60-69.